const judgeSafeNumber = num => {
num = num - 0;
return (
// tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals
num.toPrecision(16) == num &&
num <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER &&
num >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
var img_tag = new Image();
let getTime = () => {
var date = new Date();
const currentDay = date.getDate();
// 年
var year = date.getFullYear();
// 月
var month = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2);
// 日
var day = currentDay < 10 ? '0' + currentDay : currentDay;
// 时
var hh = date.getHours();
// 分
var mm = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes();
// 秒
var ss = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds();
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hh}:${mm}:${ss}`;
let waterMark = (watermark: string | number, width: number, heigth: number, str1: string, str2: string = '') => {
let id = '1.23452384164.123412415'
if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {
let div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = id
div.style.pointerEvents = 'none'
div.style.top = '20px'
div.style.bottom = heigth + 'px'
div.style.left = '0px'
div.style.opacity = '0.15'
div.style.position = 'fixed'
div.style.zIndex = '100000'
div.style.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px'
div.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px'
// 开启动态时间
if (watermark === '1') {
let can = document.createElement('canvas')
window.setInterval(() => {
// 设置canvas画布大小
can.width = width
can.height = heigth
let cans = can.getContext('2d')
cans.rotate(-20 * Math.PI / 180) // 水印旋转角度
cans.font = '15px Vedana'
cans.fillStyle = '#666666'
cans.textAlign = 'center'
cans.textBaseline = 'middle'
cans.clearRect(0, 0, can.width, can.height);
cans.fillText(str1 + getTime(), can.width / 2, can.height) // 水印在画布的位置x,y轴
cans.fillText(str2, can.width / 2, can.height + 22)
// when preload is complete, apply the image to the div
const url = can.toDataURL('image/png')
img_tag.onload = function () {
div.style.background = 'url(' + url + ') left top repeat'
// setting 'src' actually starts the preload
img_tag.src = url;
}, 1000);
} else {
let can = document.createElement('canvas')
// 设置canvas画布大小
can.width = width
can.height = heigth
let cans = can.getContext('2d')
cans.rotate(-20 * Math.PI / 180) // 水印旋转角度
cans.font = '15px Vedana'
cans.fillStyle = '#666666'
cans.textAlign = 'center'
cans.textBaseline = 'middle'
cans.clearRect(0, 0, can.width, can.height);
cans.fillText(str1, can.width / 2, can.height) // 水印在画布的位置x,y轴
cans.fillText(str2, can.width / 2, can.height + 22)
div.style.background = 'url(' + can.toDataURL('image/png') + ') left top repeat'
return id
// 添加水印方法
const setWaterMark = (watermark, width, heigth, str1, str2) => {
let id = waterMark(watermark, width, heigth, str1, str2)
if (document.getElementById(id) === null) {
id = waterMark(watermark, width, heigth, str1, str2)
// 移除水印方法
const removeWatermark = () => {
let id = '1.23452384164.123412415'
if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {