
 * Typings for Integrated Scripting.
 * This file is auto-generated on server start, so do not modify this file!

declare global {
  var idContext: Context;

export interface Context {
  ops: Operations;

export interface Operations {
   * 掉落物对应物品
  entityItem: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueItemstack;
   * The bucket fill sound for the fluid
  fluidstackBucketFillSound: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => string;
   * 将指定运算符应用于列表上的所有元素,得到结果为新的列表。
  operatorMap: (arg0: Function, arg1: any[]) => any[];
   * 当该方块被种植时,得到的方块
  blockPlant: (arg0: ValueBlock) => ValueBlock;
   * 指定物品中有流体
  itemstackIsFluidStack: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
  anyLessThanOrEquals: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => boolean;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Integer Array entry
  nbtWithIntList: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer entry
  nbtWithInteger: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * Create an NBT Byte tag from the given Boolean value
  booleanAsNbt: (arg0: boolean) => Record<string, any>;
   * 液体是否相同
  fluidstackIsRawEqual: (arg0: ValueFluidstack, arg1: ValueFluidstack) => boolean;
   * 此列表是否包含指定元素
  listContains: (arg0: any[], arg1: any) => boolean;
   * 取两个数值中的最小值
  numberMin: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * The NBT List value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetListTag: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => any[];
   * 实体是否在燃烧
  entityEntityIsBurning: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定的物品可以保存 FE
  itemstackIsFeContainer: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
  longLongToInteger: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 实体类型名称。
  entityType: (arg0: ValueEntity) => string;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定物品的副本
  ingredientsWithItem: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: number, arg2: ValueItemstack) => ValueIngredients;
  stringParseAsNbt: (arg0: string) => Record<string, any>;
   * 使用指定的正则表达式搜索字符串,返回所有匹配组的列表。
  stringRegexGroups: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => any[];
   * The value type in the given NBT compound tag corresponding to the given key
  nbtType: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => string;
  doubleDoubleToLong: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 指定物品 NBT 标签是否相同
  itemstackIsNbtEqual: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 指定实体死亡的声音
  entityDeathSound: (arg0: ValueEntity) => string;
   * 取谓词的否定
  operatorNegation: (arg0: Function) => Function;
   * Returns a list of items present in both supplied lists
  listIntersection: (arg0: any[], arg1: any[]) => any[];
   * 取两个谓词的析取。
  operatorDisjunction: (arg0: Function, arg1: Function) => Function;
   * 实体生命值
  entityHealth: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * 指定实体主手正手持的物品
  entityHeldItem: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueItemstack;
   * 复制指定的流体以及指定流体的数量
  fluidstackWithAmount: (arg0: ValueFluidstack, arg1: number) => ValueFluidstack;
   * Create an NBT Integer tag from the given Integer value
  integerAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 从列表中删除第一个元素。
  listTail: (arg0: any[]) => any[];
   * 指定方块被破坏的声音
  blockBreakSound: (arg0: ValueBlock) => string;
   * 对指定列表中的所有元素应用指定运算符,最后将列表简缩为单个值。
  operatorReduce: (arg0: Function, arg1: any[], arg2: any) => any;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定液体的副本
  ingredientsWithFluid: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: number, arg2: ValueFluidstack) => ValueIngredients;
  stringParseAsDouble: (arg0: string) => number;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double as a float entry
  nbtWithFloat: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: number) => Record<string, any>;
  numberModulus: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 实体宽度
  entityWidth: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * 物品种植后得到的方块
  itemstackPlant: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => ValueBlock;
   * 当前物品的堆叠数量
  itemstackSize: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 实体是否为动物
  entityIsAnimal: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * Create an NBT String tag from the given String value
  stringAsNbt: (arg0: string) => Record<string, any>;
  integerLeftShift: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 指定的值是否为空
  anyIsNull: (arg0: any) => boolean;
   * 实体是否为玩家
  entityIsPlayer: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 指定物品所属的模组名称
  itemstackMod: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => string;
   * The fluid temperature
  fluidstackTemperature: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => number;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT entry
  nbtWithTag: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;
  integerIntegerToLong: (arg0: number) => number;
   * The difference of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be subtracted recusively.
  nbtMinus: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;
   * In the context of the given Player Entity, get the tooltip of the given item as a list of strings.
  entityEntityItemTooltip: (arg0: ValueEntity, arg1: ValueItemstack) => any[];
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT Long Array entry
  nbtWithListLong: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定字符串的长度
  stringLength: (arg0: string) => number;
   * 指定名称的标签值(物品)
  stringItemsByTag: (arg0: string) => any[];
   * 创建一个新的运算符,将输入的第一个和第二个运算符的输出传递到第三个运算符.
  operatorPipe2: (arg0: Function, arg1: Function, arg2: Function) => Function;
   * Get the Integer value of the given NBT Integer tag
  nbtAsInt: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
  integerDecrement_old: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 该物品能否采集指定方块
  itemstackCanHarvest: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: ValueBlock) => boolean;
   * 指定元素在列表中被找到的次数
  listCount: (arg0: any[], arg1: any) => number;
  booleanNand: (arg0: boolean, arg1: boolean) => boolean;
   * 实体所穿戴盔甲的物品列表
  entityArmorInventory: (arg0: ValueEntity) => any[];
   * 创建一个新的运算符,把第一个操作的输出值传递给第二个运算符
  operatorPipe: (arg0: Function, arg1: Function) => Function;
   * 实体是否为矿车
  entityIsMinecart: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 以指定的正则表达式分隔符拆分字符串,并返回拆分后的列表。
  stringSplitOnRegex: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => any[];
  numberLessThan: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => boolean;
  integerComplement: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 指定物品在熔炉中的燃烧时间(tick)
  itemstackBurnTime: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 指定谓词对列表中的元素返回为 true 的次数。
  listCountPredicate: (arg0: any[], arg1: Function) => number;
   * 实体是否为怪物
  entityIsMob: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Boolean entry
  nbtWithBoolean: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: boolean) => Record<string, any>;
   * 实体可存储能量的上限。
  entityEnergyCapacity: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * Get the Long value of the given NBT Long tag
  nbtAsLong: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * 此列表是否为空
  listIsEmpty: (arg0: any[]) => boolean;
   * 当前物品的耐久
  itemstackDamage: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * Round to the nearest Integer
  numberRound: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 实体中包含的流体。
  entityFluids: (arg0: ValueEntity) => any[];
   * If the fluid is lighter than air
  fluidstackIsLighterThanAir: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => boolean;
   * 目前骑在指定实体上的实体
  entityMounted: (arg0: ValueEntity) => any[];
  stringParseAsLong: (arg0: string) => number;
   * 检测是否指定的 NBT复合标签内包含指定的 key
  nbtHasKey: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * 获得指定物品的 NBT 标签。
  itemstackNbt: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定的方块是否不透明
  blockIsOpaque: (arg0: ValueBlock) => boolean;
   * 实体是否在水中
  entityIsWet: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
  booleanOr: (arg0: boolean, arg1: boolean) => boolean;
   * 复制输入值
  anyIdentity: (arg0: any) => any;
   * 液体流动性
  fluidstackViscosity: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => number;
   * 获取指定的配方的成品包含指定物品的副本
  recipeWithOutput: (arg0: ValueRecipe, arg1: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;
   * 指定的物品是否相同,忽略 NBT 和耐久值。
  itemstackIsEqualRaw: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag without the given key
  nbtWithout: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => Record<string, any>;
   * 输入值的类型必须相同
  anyNotEquals: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => boolean;
  numberSubtract: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 获取指定变量名或变量值的字符串形式
  namedName: (arg0: any) => string;
   * 指定物品展示框内物品的旋转情况
  entityItemFrameRotation: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * Get the Byte List value of the given NBT Byte Array tag
  nbtAsByteList: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => any[];
   * Create an NBT List tag from the given NBT List value
  tagListAsNbt: (arg0: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * 实体中包含的物品。
  entityItems: (arg0: ValueEntity) => any[];
   * 指定配方的输出原料
  recipeOutput: (arg0: ValueRecipe) => ValueIngredients;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中流体的副本
  ingredientsWithFluids: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
   * 为指定运算符输入一个指定的变量。
  operatorApply: (arg0: Function, arg1: any) => any;
   * Show a shorter, less precise representation of a Number
  numberCompact: (arg0: number) => string;
   * Create an NBT Integer Array tag from the given Integer List value
  intListAsNbt: (arg0: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * The Compound value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetCompound: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定物品中对应的流体
  itemstackFluidStack: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => ValueFluidstack;
   * 实体高度
  entityHeight: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * 获取指定的配方的原料包含第一个指定物品、成品包含第二个指定物品的副本
  ingredientsWithInputOutput: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;
   * 获取一个东西的唯一名称
  uniquely_namedUniqueName: (arg0: any) => string;
   * 检测是否指定方块可用剪刀进行收剪
  blockIsShearable: (arg0: ValueBlock) => boolean;
  doubleDoubleToInteger: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 物品是否被附魔
  itemstackIsEnchanted: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 指定方块植物的生长阶段
  blockPlantAge: (arg0: ValueBlock) => number;
   * 判断指定的子字符串是否是指定字符串的结尾.
  stringEndsWith: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * 可以存储在此物品中的最大 FE 数量
  itemstackFeCapacity: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 检测是否指定的物品带有物品栏
  itemstackHasInventory: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
  numberAdd: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 翻转运算符的两个输入参数。
  operatorFlip: (arg0: Function) => Function;
   * 检测是否指定物品是植物
  itemstackIsPlantable: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 获取指定的配方的成品包含指定物品的副本
  recipeWithInput: (arg0: ValueRecipe, arg1: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;
  numberIncrement: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 该物品能否挖掘指定方块
  itemstackStrength: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: ValueBlock) => number;
   * Round down to the nearest Integer
  numberFloor: (arg0: number) => number;
  integerBinaryOr: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 物品的列表
  ingredientsItems: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => any[];
   * The union of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be joined recusively.
  nbtUnion: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;
   * 删除列表中所有的重复元素。
  listUnique: (arg0: any[]) => any[];
  integerBinaryAnd: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 指定实体副手正手持的物品。
  entityHeldItemOffHand: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueItemstack;
   * 创建一个用指定的分隔符将指定的字符串列表连接起来的字符串。
  stringJoin: (arg0: string, arg1: any[]) => string;
  numberGreaterThan: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => boolean;
   * 在指定地址获取列表元素,检测是否该元素不可用,则返回默认值。
  listGetOrDefault: (arg0: any[], arg1: number, arg2: any) => any;
   * Get the block properties as NBT compound tag.
  blockProperties: (arg0: ValueBlock) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定的值是否非空
  anyIsNotNull: (arg0: any) => boolean;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Long entry
  nbtWithLong: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 物品的稀有度
  itemstackRarity: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => string;
   * 实体是否在进食
  entityIsEating: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * Apply for a given operator without arguments.
  operatorApply0: (arg0: Function) => any;
   * Get the Integer value of the given NBT Byte tag
  nbtAsByte: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * Get the NBT List value of the given NBT List tag
  nbtAsTagList: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => any[];
  booleanNor: (arg0: boolean, arg1: boolean) => boolean;
   * 为指定运算符输入三个指定的变量。
  operatorApply3: (arg0: Function, arg1: any, arg2: any, arg3: any) => any;
  booleanNot: (arg0: boolean) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定方块是植物
  blockIsPlantable: (arg0: ValueBlock) => boolean;
   * 为指定运算符输入两个指定的变量。
  operatorApply2: (arg0: Function, arg1: any, arg2: any) => any;
   * 指定物品是否可用作燃料
  itemstackCanBurn: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 有符号右移,负数在左边补一
  integerRightShift: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * The Integer Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer List
  nbtGetListInt: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => any[];
   * 指定物品展示框的内容
  entityItemFrameContents: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueItemstack;
   * 获取对应下标的列表元素,当下标越界时抛出异常。
  listGet: (arg0: any[], arg1: number) => any;
   * If the first NBT compound tag is a subset of, or equal to the second NBT compound tag. This will recursively check nested tags.
  nbtIsSubset: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: Record<string, any>) => boolean;
   * The bucket empty sound for the fluid
  fluidstackBucketEmptySound: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => string;
   * Create an NBT Byte Array tag from the given Integer List value
  byteListAsNbt: (arg0: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * 判断指定的正则表达式是否匹配指定的字符串.
  stringMatchesRegex: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * 取两个数值中的最大值
  numberMax: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 指定方块的植物类型
  blockPlantType: (arg0: ValueBlock) => string;
   * Create an NBT Double tag from the given Float value
  floatAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 此列表是否非空
  listIsNotEmpty: (arg0: any[]) => boolean;
   * 流体所属的模组
  fluidstackMod: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => string;
  stringParseAsInteger: (arg0: string) => number;
   * 实体是否处于潜行状态
  entityIsCrouching: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * The Long value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetLong: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => number;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given String entry
  nbtWithString: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: string) => Record<string, any>;
   * 检测是否实体已发情
  entityIsInLove: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * The value of any type in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetTag: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => Record<string, any>;
   * The String value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetString: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => string;
   * 第一个参数的副本。
  anyConstant: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => any;
   * The filled bucket for the fluid
  fluidstackBucket: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => ValueItemstack;
   * 构建一个列表,提供起始值和一个运算符,其余元素由运算符作用于上一个元素得出。仅当需要该元素时才会进行求值计算。
  anyLazyBuilt: (arg0: any, arg1: Function) => any[];
   * Get the given block applied with the given properties.
  blockWithProperties: (arg0: ValueBlock, arg1: Record<string, any>) => ValueBlock;
  numberMultiply: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 无符号右移,永远在左边补零,负数会溢出
  integerUnsignedRightShift: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 由指定唯一名称获取运算符。
  stringOperatorByName: (arg0: string) => Function;
   * The Integer value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetInteger: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => number;
   * 指定配方的输入原料
  recipeInput: (arg0: ValueRecipe) => ValueIngredients;
   * Get the Integer value of the given NBT Short tag
  nbtAsShort: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定能量的副本
  ingredientsWithEnergy: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: number, arg2: number) => ValueIngredients;
  integerIncrement_old: (arg0: number) => number;
   * Get all possible block properties as NBT compound tag with list values.
  blockPossibleProperties: (arg0: ValueBlock) => Record<string, any>;
   * The Long Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Long List
  nbtGetListLong: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => any[];
   * The Boolean value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetBoolean: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * 实体视线方向的实体
  entityTargetEntity: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueEntity;
   * 检测是否第一个值为真,若真则取第二个值,否则取第三个值\n第二个值和第三个值的类型必须相同。
  booleanChoice: (arg0: boolean, arg1: any, arg2: any) => any;
   * Create an NBT Short tag from the given Integer value
  shortAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定方块被放置的声音
  blockPlaceSound: (arg0: ValueBlock) => string;
   * 获得指定流体的 NBT 标签。
  fluidstackNbt: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => Record<string, any>;
   * 物品能否堆叠两个及以上的物品
  itemstackIsStackable: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 指定实体受伤的声音
  entityHurtSound: (arg0: ValueEntity) => string;
   * Get the tooltip of the given item as a list of strings.
  itemstackTooltip: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => any[];
   * 流体密度
  fluidstackDensity: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => number;
   * The fluid vaporize sound for the fluid
  fluidstackFluidVaporizeSound: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => string;
   * 判断指定的子字符串是否是指定的字符串的开头.
  stringStartsWith: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定实体处于幼年期
  entityIsChild: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * Apply for a given operator the given list of values.
  operatorApply_n: (arg0: Function, arg1: any[]) => any;
   * 指定方块对应的模组名称
  blockMod: (arg0: ValueBlock) => string;
  integerModulus_old: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 判断指定的子字符串是否包含在指定的字符串中.
  stringContains: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * Get the Double value of the given NBT Double tag
  nbtAsDouble: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * 获取指定的正则表达式在指定字符串中第一次匹配到的位置.
  stringIndexOfRegex: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => number;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer List as an NBT Byte Array entry
  nbtWithByteList: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * 实体正在看的方块
  entityTargetBlock: (arg0: ValueEntity) => ValueBlock;
   * Get the Double value of the given NBT Float tag
  nbtAsFloat: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * 输入值的类型必须相同
  anyEquals: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定实体可被指定物品喂养
  entityCanBreedWith: (arg0: ValueEntity, arg1: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * Create an NBT Long Array tag from the given Long List value
  longListAsNbt: (arg0: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定物品的植物类型
  itemstackPlantType: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => string;
   * Get the Long List value of the given NBT Long Array tag
  nbtAsLongList: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => any[];
   * Throw a custom error
  stringStringError: (arg0: string) => string;
   * Create an NBT Long tag from the given Long value
  longAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 根据指定名称名称获取物品,添加空格 + 数字显示元数据。
  stringItemByName: (arg0: string) => ValueItemstack;
   * 基于指定的比较谓词删除列表中所有的重复元素。
  listUniquePredicate: (arg0: any[], arg1: Function) => any[];
   * 用指定的分隔符拆分字符串,并返回拆分后的列表。
  stringSplitOn: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => any[];
   * 判断指定的正则表达式是否能在指定字符串中找到匹配.
  stringContainsRegex: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => boolean;
   * Get the String value of the given NBT String tag
  nbtAsString: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => string;
  stringParseAsBoolean: (arg0: string) => boolean;
   * 指定起始位置(包含)与结束位置(不包含),获取指定字符串的子串.
  integerSubstring: (arg0: number, arg1: number, arg2: string) => string;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Double entry
  nbtWithDouble: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * Round up to the nearest Integer
  numberCeil: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 流体总量(mb)
  fluidstackAmount: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => number;
   * 连接两个列表。
  listConcat: (arg0: any[], arg1: any[]) => any[];
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given NBT List entry
  nbtWithTagList: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: any[]) => Record<string, any>;
   * Apply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return the first match
  stringNbtPathMatchFirst: (arg0: string, arg1: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;
   * 获取指定实体的 NBT。
  entityNbt: (arg0: ValueEntity) => Record<string, any>;
   * 物品是否含有 NBT 标签。
  itemstackHasNbt: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 为指定列表附加指定元素。
  listAppend: (arg0: any[], arg1: any) => any[];
   * Create an NBT Byte tag from the given Integer value
  byteAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
  numberDivide: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 指定的物品是否相同,忽略 NBT 但包括耐久值。
  itemstackIsEqualNonNbt: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 能量种类的列表
  ingredientsEnergies: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => any[];
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中物品的副本
  ingredientsWithItems: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
  anyGreaterThanOrEquals: (arg0: any, arg1: any) => boolean;
   * 指定物品的容量(mB)
  itemstackFluidCapacity: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 在列表中获取完整的指定物品的总物品数。
  listItemListCount: (arg0: any[], arg1: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 当前物品的堆叠数量上限
  itemstackMaxSize: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * The intersection of the given NBT compound tags. Nested tags will be intersected recusively.
  nbtIntersection: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;
   * 流体稀有度
  fluidstackRarity: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => string;
   * 找到指定的搜索词,并替换成指定的字符串,最后一个指定的字符串为搜索内容。
  stringReplace: (arg0: string, arg1: string, arg2: string) => string;
   * Get a copy of the given NBT compound tag with the given Integer as a short entry
  nbtWithShort: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string, arg2: number) => Record<string, any>;
  longLongToDouble: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 找到所有指定正则表达式的匹配,并替换成指定的字符串,最后一个指定的字符串为搜索内容。
  stringReplaceRegex: (arg0: string, arg1: string, arg2: string) => string;
   * 获取指定的子字符串在指定字符串中第一次出现的位置.
  stringIndexOf: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => number;
   * 指定方块代表的物品
  blockItemStack: (arg0: ValueBlock) => ValueItemstack;
   * Get the Integer List value of the given NBT Integer Array tag
  nbtAsIntList: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => any[];
   * 获取对应指定名称的方块,添加空格 + 数字以显示元数据。
  stringBlockByName: (arg0: string) => ValueBlock;
   * 指定物品对应的方块
  itemstackBlock: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => ValueBlock;
   * Apply the given NBT Path expression on the given NBT value, and return all matches as a list
  stringNbtPathMatchAll: (arg0: string, arg1: Record<string, any>) => any[];
   * The light level emitted by the fluid
  fluidstackLightLevel: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => number;
   * 获取指定列表的第一个元素。
  listHead: (arg0: any[]) => any;
   * 指定物品的标签名称(字符串)
  itemstackTags: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => any[];
   * Create an NBT Double tag from the given Double value
  doubleAsNbt: (arg0: number) => Record<string, any>;
   * 实体是否为掉落物
  entityIsItem: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * The Byte Array in the given NBT compound tag with the given key as Integer List
  nbtGetListByte: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => any[];
   * 指定玩家是否开着 GUI
  entityHasGuiOpen: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 检测指定物品处理对象的物品栏内容
  itemstackInventory: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => any[];
   * 取两个谓词的合取。
  operatorConjunction: (arg0: Function, arg1: Function) => Function;
   * 检测指定物品处理对象的物品栏大小
  itemstackInventorySize: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 连接两个字符串
  stringConcat: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
   * 检测是否列表的至少一个元素对于指定的谓词返回 true。
  listContainsPredicate: (arg0: any[], arg1: Function) => boolean;
   * 物品耐久值上限
  itemstackMaxDamage: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 实体中已存储能量的总量。
  entityEnergy: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * 所给实体所属的模组
  entityMod: (arg0: ValueEntity) => string;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中能量的副本
  ingredientsWithEnergies: (arg0: ValueIngredients, arg1: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
   * 使用指定的正则表达式并指定索引以扫描指定字符串,返回索引对应的匹配组的所有匹配。
  stringRegexScan: (arg0: string, arg1: number, arg2: string) => any[];
  integerIntegerToDouble: (arg0: number) => number;
   * 指定实体的年龄
  entityAge: (arg0: ValueEntity) => number;
   * 将指定列表从指定开头(包含)到指定结尾(不包含)进行切片。
  listSlice: (arg0: any[], arg1: number, arg2: number) => any[];
   * 玩家所携带物品的列表
  entityInventory: (arg0: ValueEntity) => any[];
   * 使用指定的正则表达式并指定索引搜索指定字符串,返回索引对应的匹配组。
  stringRegexGroup: (arg0: string, arg1: number, arg2: string) => string;
   * The Double value in the given NBT compound tag with the given key
  nbtGetDouble: (arg0: Record<string, any>, arg1: string) => number;
  integerXor: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => number;
   * 设置指定物品的堆叠大小
  itemstackWithSize: (arg0: ValueItemstack, arg1: number) => ValueItemstack;
   * 指定的 NBT复合标签内包含的条目数量
  nbtSize: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => number;
   * 检测是否可对实体进行收剪
  entityIsShearable: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 修复此物品的花费
  itemstackRepairCost: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 在指定方块上行走的声音
  blockStepSound: (arg0: ValueBlock) => string;
   * 指定列表的长度
  listLength: (arg0: any[]) => number;
   * 存储在此物品中的 FE 量
  itemstackFeStored: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => number;
   * 物品能否被损坏
  itemstackIsDamageable: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 物品能否被附魔
  itemstackIsEnchantable: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 用指定的谓词过滤元素列表。
  operatorFilter: (arg0: Function, arg1: any[]) => any[];
   * 向指定的运算符输入列表的所有元素,以将列表汇总为一个值。纯简缩(运算符,列表)相当于简缩(运算符,列表头,列表尾)。
  operatorReduce1: (arg0: Function, arg1: any[]) => any;
   * Test if the given NBT Path expression matches with the given NBT value
  stringNbtPathTest: (arg0: string, arg1: Record<string, any>) => boolean;
   * 液体的列表
  ingredientsFluids: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => any[];
   * Get the Boolean value of the given NBT Byte tag
  nbtAsBoolean: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定实体已可以进行交配
  entityCanBreed: (arg0: ValueEntity) => boolean;
   * 流体对应方块
  fluidstackBlock: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => ValueBlock;
   * 指定的 NBT 复合标签内包含的 key 的列表
  nbtKeys: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => any[];
  numberDecrement: (arg0: number) => number;
  booleanAnd: (arg0: boolean, arg1: boolean) => boolean;

export interface ValueItemstack {
  id_item: Record<string, any>;

   * 指定的物品是否相同,忽略 NBT 但包括耐久值。
  isEqualNonNbt: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 指定的物品是否相同,忽略 NBT 和耐久值。
  isEqualRaw: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 当前物品的耐久
  damage: () => number;
   * 获得指定物品的 NBT 标签。
  nbt: () => Record<string, any>;
   * 物品是否含有 NBT 标签。
  hasNbt: () => boolean;
   * 指定物品所属的模组名称
  mod: () => string;
   * 指定物品是否可用作燃料
  canBurn: () => boolean;
   * 该物品能否挖掘指定方块
  strength: (arg0: ValueBlock) => number;
   * 存储在此物品中的 FE 量
  feStored: () => number;
   * 物品耐久值上限
  maxDamage: () => number;
   * Get the tooltip of the given item as a list of strings.
  tooltip: () => any[];
   * 当前物品的堆叠数量上限
  maxSize: () => number;
   * 设置指定物品的堆叠大小
  withSize: (arg0: number) => ValueItemstack;
   * 可以存储在此物品中的最大 FE 数量
  feCapacity: () => number;
   * 检测指定物品处理对象的物品栏内容
  inventory: () => any[];
   * 指定物品 NBT 标签是否相同
  isNbtEqual: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定物品是植物
  isPlantable: () => boolean;
   * 指定物品在熔炉中的燃烧时间(tick)
  burnTime: () => number;
   * 物品能否堆叠两个及以上的物品
  isStackable: () => boolean;
   * 物品能否被附魔
  isEnchantable: () => boolean;
   * 指定物品对应的方块
  block: () => ValueBlock;
   * 该物品能否采集指定方块
  canHarvest: (arg0: ValueBlock) => boolean;
   * 物品是否被附魔
  isEnchanted: () => boolean;
   * 检测指定物品处理对象的物品栏大小
  inventorySize: () => number;
   * 指定物品的植物类型
  plantType: () => string;
   * 指定物品的标签名称(字符串)
  tags: () => any[];
   * 检测是否指定的物品带有物品栏
  hasInventory: () => boolean;
   * 指定物品的容量(mB)
  fluidCapacity: () => number;
   * 当前物品的堆叠数量
  size: () => number;
   * 物品能否被损坏
  isDamageable: () => boolean;
   * 物品种植后得到的方块
  plant: () => ValueBlock;
   * 指定物品中对应的流体
  fluidStack: () => ValueFluidstack;
   * 检测是否指定的物品可以保存 FE
  isFeContainer: () => boolean;
   * 指定物品中有流体
  isFluidStack: () => boolean;
   * 修复此物品的花费
  repairCost: () => number;
   * 物品的稀有度
  rarity: () => string;

export interface ValueBlock {
  id_block: Record<string, any>;

   * 指定方块代表的物品
  itemStack: () => ValueItemstack;
   * 指定方块对应的模组名称
  mod: () => string;
   * 在指定方块上行走的声音
  stepSound: () => string;
   * Get the given block applied with the given properties.
  withProperties: (arg0: Record<string, any>) => ValueBlock;
   * 指定的方块是否不透明
  isOpaque: () => boolean;
   * 指定方块的植物类型
  plantType: () => string;
   * 指定方块被放置的声音
  placeSound: () => string;
   * 检测是否指定方块可用剪刀进行收剪
  isShearable: () => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定方块是植物
  isPlantable: () => boolean;
   * 指定方块被破坏的声音
  breakSound: () => string;
   * 当该方块被种植时,得到的方块
  plant: () => ValueBlock;
   * Get all possible block properties as NBT compound tag with list values.
  possibleProperties: () => Record<string, any>;
   * 指定方块植物的生长阶段
  plantAge: () => number;
   * Get the block properties as NBT compound tag.
  properties: () => Record<string, any>;

export interface ValueIngredients {
  id_ingredients: Record<string, any>;

   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定物品的副本
  withItem: (arg0: number, arg1: ValueItemstack) => ValueIngredients;
   * 能量种类的列表
  energies: () => any[];
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定液体的副本
  withFluid: (arg0: number, arg1: ValueFluidstack) => ValueIngredients;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中能量的副本
  withEnergies: (arg0: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中物品的副本
  withItems: (arg0: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
   * 物品的列表
  items: () => any[];
   * 获取指定的配方的原料包含第一个指定物品、成品包含第二个指定物品的副本
  withInputOutput: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定列表中流体的副本
  withFluids: (arg0: any[]) => ValueIngredients;
   * 液体的列表
  fluids: () => any[];
   * 获取指定的原料列表的包含指定能量的副本
  withEnergy: (arg0: number, arg1: number) => ValueIngredients;

export interface ValueRecipe {
  id_recipe: Record<string, any>;

   * 指定配方的输出原料
  output: () => ValueIngredients;
   * 指定配方的输入原料
  input: () => ValueIngredients;
   * 获取指定的配方的成品包含指定物品的副本
  withInput: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;
   * 获取指定的配方的成品包含指定物品的副本
  withOutput: (arg0: ValueIngredients) => ValueRecipe;

export interface ValueFluidstack {
  id_fluid: Record<string, any>;

   * 获得指定流体的 NBT 标签。
  nbt: () => Record<string, any>;
   * 流体总量(mb)
  amount: () => number;
   * The fluid vaporize sound for the fluid
  fluidVaporizeSound: () => string;
   * 流体所属的模组
  mod: () => string;
   * 流体密度
  density: () => number;
   * If the fluid is lighter than air
  isLighterThanAir: () => boolean;
   * The bucket empty sound for the fluid
  bucketEmptySound: () => string;
   * The bucket fill sound for the fluid
  bucketFillSound: () => string;
   * The filled bucket for the fluid
  bucket: () => ValueItemstack;
   * The light level emitted by the fluid
  lightLevel: () => number;
   * 液体流动性
  viscosity: () => number;
   * The fluid temperature
  temperature: () => number;
   * 流体对应方块
  block: () => ValueBlock;
   * 液体是否相同
  isRawEqual: (arg0: ValueFluidstack) => boolean;
   * 复制指定的流体以及指定流体的数量
  withAmount: (arg0: number) => ValueFluidstack;
   * 流体稀有度
  rarity: () => string;

export interface ValueEntity {
  id_entity: Record<string, any>;

   * 实体是否为玩家
  isPlayer: () => boolean;
   * 获取指定实体的 NBT。
  nbt: () => Record<string, any>;
   * In the context of the given Player Entity, get the tooltip of the given item as a list of strings.
  entityItemTooltip: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => any[];
   * 所给实体所属的模组
  mod: () => string;
   * 实体视线方向的实体
  targetEntity: () => ValueEntity;
   * 实体是否为矿车
  isMinecart: () => boolean;
   * 实体是否处于潜行状态
  isCrouching: () => boolean;
   * 实体是否在进食
  isEating: () => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定实体可被指定物品喂养
  canBreedWith: (arg0: ValueItemstack) => boolean;
   * 实体是否为怪物
  isMob: () => boolean;
   * 玩家所携带物品的列表
  inventory: () => any[];
   * 实体类型名称。
  type: () => string;
   * 检测是否实体已发情
  isInLove: () => boolean;
   * 实体可存储能量的上限。
  energyCapacity: () => number;
   * 实体是否在燃烧
  entityIsBurning: () => boolean;
   * 指定实体主手正手持的物品
  heldItem: () => ValueItemstack;
   * 检测是否指定实体已可以进行交配
  canBreed: () => boolean;
   * 检测是否指定实体处于幼年期
  isChild: () => boolean;
   * 实体高度
  height: () => number;
   * 实体正在看的方块
  targetBlock: () => ValueBlock;
   * 实体中包含的流体。
  fluids: () => any[];
   * 实体中已存储能量的总量。
  energy: () => number;
   * 实体是否在水中
  isWet: () => boolean;
   * 掉落物对应物品
  item: () => ValueItemstack;
   * 实体生命值
  health: () => number;
   * 指定实体死亡的声音
  deathSound: () => string;
   * 指定物品展示框内物品的旋转情况
  itemFrameRotation: () => number;
   * 目前骑在指定实体上的实体
  mounted: () => any[];
   * 指定实体副手正手持的物品。
  heldItemOffHand: () => ValueItemstack;
   * 指定玩家是否开着 GUI
  hasGuiOpen: () => boolean;
   * 实体是否为动物
  isAnimal: () => boolean;
   * 指定实体受伤的声音
  hurtSound: () => string;
   * 检测是否可对实体进行收剪
  isShearable: () => boolean;
   * 实体宽度
  width: () => number;
   * 实体所穿戴盔甲的物品列表
  armorInventory: () => any[];
   * 实体是否为掉落物
  isItem: () => boolean;
   * 实体中包含的物品。
  items: () => any[];
   * 指定物品展示框的内容
  itemFrameContents: () => ValueItemstack;
   * 指定实体的年龄
  age: () => number;