module com
include 'mpif.h'
integer Nx0,Ny0
integer N_process,Nx_process,Ny_process
integer Nx,Ny,kk,NumEq,NumGLP,dimPk
parameter(N_process = 4)
parameter(Nx0 = 320, Ny0 = 320, Lphi = 0, kk = 3, NumEq = 1, NumGLP = 5, RKorder = 4, flux_type = 1)
parameter(Nx_process = sqrt(1.0*N_process), Ny_process = sqrt(1.0*N_process))
parameter(Nx = Nx0/Nx_process, Ny = Ny0/Ny_process)
parameter(Nx1 = Nx + 1,Ny1 = Ny + 1)
real(8) pi,gamma,gamma1
parameter(dimPk = (kk + 1)*(kk + 2)/2)
parameter(dimPk1 = (kk + 1)*(kk + 2)/2)
parameter(Nphi = max(2*Lphi - 1,0))
parameter(Nphi1 = Nphi + 1)
!parameter(gamma = 1.4d0) ! other
parameter(gamma = 5d0/3d0) ! jet, R-T
parameter(gamma1 = gamma - 1)
parameter(pi = 4*atan(1d0))
! The numerical solution and mesh
real(8) xa,xb,ya,yb,t,dt,tend,CFL,umax,umax1,tRK,t1,t2,alphax,alphay,totaldiv,rij
real(8) uh(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,dimPk,NumEq),du(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,dimPk,NumEq)
real(8) uI(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,dimPk,NumEq),uII(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,dimPk,NumEq)
real(8) uh00(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,dimPk,NumEq)
real(8) hx,hy,Xc(Nx),Yc(Ny),Xc0(Nx0),Yc0(Ny0),Phi(0:Nphi),hx1,hy1,hphi
real(8) Bx(0:Nx,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,kk + 1),By(0:Nx1,0:Ny,0:Nphi,kk + 1)
real(8) dBx(0:Nx,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,kk + 1),dBy(0:Nx1,0:Ny,0:Nphi,kk + 1)
real(8) BxI(0:Nx,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,kk + 1),ByI(0:Nx1,0:Ny,0:Nphi,kk + 1)
real(8) BxII(0:Nx,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,kk + 1),ByII(0:Nx1,0:Ny,0:Nphi,kk + 1)
! The basis
real(8) lambda(NumGLP),weight(NumGLP),sink(0:Nphi,Lphi),cosk(0:Nphi,Lphi)
real(8) phiG(NumGLP,NumGLP,dimPk),phixG(NumGLP,NumGLP,dimPk),phiyG(NumGLP,NumGLP,dimPk),mm(dimPk)
real(8) phiGLL(NumGLP,NumGLP,dimPk,2),lambdaL(NumGLP)
real(8) phiGR(NumGLP,dimPk), phiGL(NumGLP,dimPk), phiGU(NumGLP,dimPk), phiGD(NumGLP,dimPk)
real(8) phiRU(dimPk), phiLU(dimPk), phiRD(dimPk), phiLD(dimPk)
real(8) EzG(NumGLP,kk + 1),EzxG(NumGLP,kk + 1),EzyG(NumGLP,kk + 1),mmE(kk + 1)
real(8) EzR(kk + 1),EzL(kk + 1),EzU(kk + 1),EzD(kk + 1),omega1(Nx,Ny,0:Nphi)
! The Lh
real(8) uGint3D(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq),uGint(NumGLP,NumGLP,NumEq)
real(8) pGint3D(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq),qGint3D(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq)
real(8) RHSC(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq),RHSCopen,RG(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq)
real(8) RHS(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq),Fzsin(Lphi),Fzcos(Lphi),Fzzsin(Lphi),Fzzcos(Lphi)
real(8) FR1(NumEq),FL1(NumEq),UR1(NumEq),UL1(NumEq),Fhat1(NumEq),SR,SL
real(8) URstar(NumEq),ULstar(NumEq),Ustar(NumEq),UUstar(NumEq),UDstar(NumEq)
real(8) URU1(NumEq),ULU1(NumEq),URD1(NumEq),ULD1(NumEq)
real(8) URstarstar(NumEq),ULstarstar(NumEq),Ezhat
real(8) EzVertex(0:Nx,0:Ny,0:Nphi)
real(8) URU(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,NumEq),ULU(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,NumEq)
real(8) URD(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,NumEq),ULD(0:Nx1,0:Ny1,0:Nphi,NumEq)
real(8) L2(NumEq),L2pre(NumEq)
! The Limiter
real(8) M,beta
real(8) DeltaUR1(NumEq,1),DeltaUL1(NumEq,1),DeltaUU1(NumEq,1),DeltaUD1(NumEq,1),DeltaU1(NumEq,1),DeltaUmod1(NumEq,1)
real(8) DeltaUR1mod(NumEq,1),DeltaUL1mod(NumEq,1),DeltaUU1mod(NumEq,1),DeltaUD1mod(NumEq,1)
real(8) R(NumEq,NumEq),L(NumEq,NumEq)
real(8) DeltaUR(NumEq,1),DeltaUL(NumEq,1),DeltaU(NumEq,1),DeltaUmod(NumEq,1)
real(8) Is_trouble_cell(Nx,Ny,0:Nphi)
integer bcR,bcL,bcU,bcD,direction
integer myid,myid1,the_id,the_id2
integer myidx,myidy,the_idx,the_idy
integer numprocs, namelen, rc,ierr,status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),myid0
character * (MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME) processor_name
end module com
! sin
module init1
use com
real(8) x,y,z,u0u0 = sin(x)*sin(y)
!u0 = sin(x)
!u0 = sin(y)
endfunctionu0subroutinemeshusecomxa = 0
xb = 2*piya = 0
yb = 2*pibcR = 1
bcL = 1
bcU = 1
bcD = 1
tend = 0.01
myid1 = myid + 1
myidx = mod(myid1,Nx_process)
if (myidx == 0) thenmyidx = Nx_processendifmyidy = (myid1 - myidx)/Nx_process + 1
print *,"process",myid1,"isalive,theindexis",myidx,myidycallinit_dataif (RKorder == 1) thencallEuler_Forwardelseif (RKorder == 3) thencallRK3elseif (RKorder == 4) thencallRK4endifcallset_bccallsave_solutioncallcalculate_L2_ErrorcallCPU_TIME(t2)
if (myid1 == 1) thenopen(unit = 1,file = 'time.txt')
write(1,*) t2 - t1print *,"Runtimeis",t2 - t1,"second"
! Theinitialvalue:
! 1: sinuseinit1real(8) U1U1(x,y,z) = u0(x,y,z)
callmeshhx = (xb - xa)/Nx0hy = (yb - ya)/Ny0hx1 = 0.5d0*hxhy1 = 0.5d0*hyhphi = 2d0*pi/Nphi1doi = 1,Nx0Xc0(i) = xa + (i - 0.5)*hxenddoXc = Xc0((myidx - 1)*Nx + 1:myidx*Nx)
doj = 1,Ny0Yc0(j) = ya + (j - 0.5)*hyenddoYc = Yc0((myidy - 1)*Ny + 1:myidy*Ny)
dok = 0,NphiPhi(k) = k*hphienddocallget_basisuh = 0
! L2ProforUhdoi = 1,Nxdoj = 1,Nydok = 0,Nphidod = 1,dimPk1doi1 = 1,NumGLPdoj1 = 1,NumGLPuh(i,j,k,d,1) = uh(i,j,k,d,1) + 0.25*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*U1(Xc(i) + hx1*lambda(i1),Yc(j) + hy1*lambda(j1),Phi(k))*phiG(i1,j1,d)
enddoenddoenddoenddoenddoenddodod = 1,dimPk1uh(:,:,:,d,:) = uh(:,:,:,d,:)/mm(d)
integerthe_idx1,the_idy1if (myid1 == 1) thenopen(unit = 1,file = 'u0.txt')
open(unit = 9,file = 'Xc.txt')
open(unit = 10,file = 'Yc.txt')
doi = 1,Nx0write(9,*) Xc0(i)
enddodoj = 1,Ny0write(10,*) Yc0(j)
!dod = 1,dimPkdoj = 1,Ny0doi = 1,Nx0the_idx1 = mod(i,Nx)
if (the_idx1 == 0) thenthe_idx1 = Nxendifthe_idx = (i - the_idx1)/Nx + 1
the_idy1 = mod(j,Ny)
if (the_idy1 == 0) thenthe_idy1 = Nyendifthe_idy = (j - the_idy1)/Ny + 1
the_id = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (the_id /= 1) thenif (myid1 == the_id) thencallMPI_SEND(uh(the_idx1,the_idy1,0,1,:),NumEq,MPI_REAL8,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
endifif (myid1 == 1) thencallMPI_RECV(uhsave,NumEq,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
endifelseif (the_id == 1) thenif (myid1 == 1) thenuhsave = uh(the_idx1,the_idy1,0,1,:)
endifendifif (myid1 == 1) thenwrite(1,*) uhsave(1)
!enddoif (myid1 == 1) thenclose(1)
! getGausspointsif (NumGLP == 2) thenlambda(1) = -0.5773502691896257645091488
lambda(2) = 0.5773502691896257645091488
weight(1) = 1
weight(2) = 1
elseif (NumGLP == 3) thenlambda(1) = -0.7745966692414833770358531d0lambda(2) = 0
lambda(3) = 0.7745966692414833770358531d0weight(1) = 0.5555555555555555555555556d0weight(2) = 0.8888888888888888888888889d0weight(3) = 0.5555555555555555555555556d0elseif (NumGLP == 4) thenlambda(1) = -0.8611363115940525752239465d0lambda(2) = -0.3399810435848562648026658d0lambda(3) = 0.3399810435848562648026658d0lambda(4) = 0.8611363115940525752239465d0weight(1) = 0.3478548451374538573730639d0weight(2) = 0.6521451548625461426269361d0weight(3) = 0.6521451548625461426269361d0weight(4) = 0.3478548451374538573730639d0elseif (NumGLP == 5) thenlambda(1) = -0.9061798459386639927976269d0lambda(2) = -0.5384693101056830910363144d0lambda(3) = 0d0lambda(4) = 0.5384693101056830910363144d0lambda(5) = 0.9061798459386639927976269d0weight(1) = 0.2369268850561890875142640d0weight(2) = 0.4786286704993664680412915d0weight(3) = 0.5688888888888888888888889d0weight(4) = 0.4786286704993664680412915d0weight(5) = 0.2369268850561890875142640d0lambdaL(1) = -1
lambdaL(2) = -0.6546536707079771437983
lambdaL(3) = 0
lambdaL(4) = 0.654653670707977143798
lambdaL(5) = 1
elseif (NumGLP == 6) thenlambda(1) = -0.9324695142031520278123016d0lambda(2) = -0.6612093864662645136613996d0lambda(3) = -0.2386191860831969086305017d0
!lambda(4) = 0.2386191860831969086305017d0
!lambda(5) = 0.6612093864662645136613996d0
!lambda(6) = 0.9324695142031520278123016d0weight(1) = 0.1713244923791703450402961d0weight(2) = 0.3607615730481386075698335d0weight(3) = 0.4679139345726910473898703d0
!weight(4) = 0.4679139345726910473898703d0
!weight(5) = 0.3607615730481386075698335d0
!weight(6) = 0.1713244923791703450402961d0endifdoi = 1,NumGLPdoj = 1,NumGLPphiG(i,j,1) = 1
phiGLL(i,j,1,1) = 1
phiGLL(i,j,1,2) = 1
phiGR(j,1) = 1
phiGL(j,1) = 1
phiGU(i,1) = 1
phiGD(i,1) = 1
phixG(i,j,1) = 0
phiyG(i,j,1) = 0
mm(1) = 1
phiG(i,j,2) = lambda(i)
phiGLL(i,j,2,1) = lambdaL(i)
phiGLL(i,j,2,2) = lambda(i)
phiGR(j,2) = 1
phiGL(j,2) = -1
phiGU(i,2) = lambda(i)
phiGD(i,2) = lambda(i)
phixG(i,j,2) = 1d0/hx1phiyG(i,j,2) = 0
mm(2) = 1d0/3d0phiG(i,j,3) = lambda(j)
phiGLL(i,j,3,1) = lambda(j)
phiGLL(i,j,3,2) = lambdaL(j)
phiGR(j,3) = lambda(j)
phiGL(j,3) = lambda(j)
phiGU(i,3) = 1
phiGD(i,3) = -1
phixG(i,j,3) = 0
phiyG(i,j,3) = 1d0/hy1mm(3) = 1d0/3d0phiG(i,j,4) = lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGLL(i,j,4,1) = lambdaL(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGLL(i,j,4,2) = lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGR(j,4) = 2d0/3d0phiGL(j,4) = 2d0/3d0phiGU(i,4) = lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGD(i,4) = lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0phixG(i,j,4) = 2d0*lambda(i)/hx1phiyG(i,j,4) = 0
mm(4) = 4d0/45d0phiG(i,j,5) = lambda(i)*lambda(j)
phiGLL(i,j,5,1) = lambdaL(i)*lambda(j)
phiGLL(i,j,5,2) = lambda(i)*lambdaL(j)
phiGR(j,5) = lambda(j)
phiGL(j,5) = -lambda(j)
phiGU(i,5) = lambda(i)
phiGD(i,5) = -lambda(i)
phixG(i,j,5) = lambda(j)/hx1phiyG(i,j,5) = lambda(i)/hy1mm(5) = 1d0/9d0phiG(i,j,6) = lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGLL(i,j,6,1) = lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGLL(i,j,6,2) = lambdaL(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGR(j,6) = lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGL(j,6) = lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0phiGU(i,6) = 2d0/3d0phiGD(i,6) = 2d0/3d0phixG(i,j,6) = 0
phiyG(i,j,6) = 2d0*lambda(j)/hy1mm(6) = 4d0/45d0phiG(i,j,7) = lambda(i)**3 - 3d0*lambda(i)/5d0phiGLL(i,j,7,1) = lambdaL(i)**3 - 3d0*lambdaL(i)/5d0phiGLL(i,j,7,2) = lambda(i)**3 - 3d0*lambda(i)/5d0phiGR(j,7) = 2d0/5d0phiGL(j,7) = -2d0/5d0phiGU(i,7) = lambda(i)**3 - 3d0*lambda(i)/5d0phiGD(i,7) = lambda(i)**3 - 3d0*lambda(i)/5d0phixG(i,j,7) = (3*lambda(i)**2 - 3d0/5d0)/hx1
phiyG(i,j,7) = 0
mm(7) = 4d0/175d0
phiG(i,j,8) = (lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)*(lambda(j))
phiGLL(i,j,8,1) = (lambdaL(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)*(lambda(j))
phiGLL(i,j,8,2) = (lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)*(lambdaL(j))
phiGR(j,8) = (2d0/3d0)*(lambda(j))
phiGL(j,8) = (2d0/3d0)*(lambda(j))
phiGU(i,8) = (lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGD(i,8) = -(lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phixG(i,j,8) = 2d0*lambda(i)*lambda(j)/hx1
phiyG(i,j,8) = (lambda(i)**2 - 1d0/3d0)/hy1
mm(8) = 4d0/135d0
phiG(i,j,9) = (lambda(i))*(lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGLL(i,j,9,1) = (lambdaL(i))*(lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGLL(i,j,9,2) = (lambda(i))*(lambdaL(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGR(j,9) = (lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGL(j,9) = -(lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)
phiGU(i,9) = lambda(i)*(2d0/3d0)
phiGD(i,9) = lambda(i)*(2d0/3d0)
phixG(i,j,9) = (lambda(j)**2 - 1d0/3d0)/hx1
phiyG(i,j,9) = 2d0*lambda(i)*lambda(j)/hy1
mm(9) = 4d0/135d0
phiG(i,j,10) = lambda(j)**3 - 3d0*lambda(j)/5d0
phiGLL(i,j,10,1) = lambda(j)**3 - 3d0*lambda(j)/5d0
phiGLL(i,j,10,2) = lambdaL(j)**3 - 3d0*lambdaL(j)/5d0
phiGR(j,10) = lambda(j)**3 - 3d0*lambda(j)/5d0
phiGL(j,10) = lambda(j)**3 - 3d0*lambda(j)/5d0
phiGU(i,10) = 2d0/5d0
phiGD(i,10) = -2d0/5d0
phixG(i,j,10) = 0
phiyG(i,j,10) = (3*lambda(j)**2 - 3d0/5d0)/hy1
mm(10) = 4d0/175d0
end do
end do
end subroutine get_basis
subroutine calculate_L2_Error
use com
use init1
real(8) U1
U1(x,y,z) = u0(x,y,z)
L2 = 0
do i = 1,Nx
do j = 1,Ny
do k = 0,Nphi
uGint = 0
do d = 1,dimPk
do n = 1,NumEq
uGint(:,:,n) = uGint(:,:,n) + uh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiG(:,:,d)
end do
end do
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
L2(1) = L2(1) + 0.25*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*(uGint(i1,j1,1) - exp(-2*tend)*U1(Xc(i) + hx1*lambda(i1) - tend,Yc(j) + hy1*lambda(j1) - tend,Phi(k)))**2
!L2(1) = L2(1) + 0.25*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*(uGint(i1,j1,1) - exp(-tend)*U1(Xc(i) + hx1*lambda(i1) - tend,Yc(j),Phi(k)))**2
!L2(1) = L2(1) + 0.25*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*(uGint(i1,j1,1) - exp(-tend)*U1(Xc(i),Yc(j) + hy1*lambda(j1) - tend,Phi(k)))**2
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do the_id = 2,N_process
if (myid1 == the_id) then
end if
if (myid1 == 1) then
call MPI_RECV(L2pre,NumEq,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
L2 = L2 + L2pre
end if
end do
if (myid1 == 1) then
L2 = (L2/(Nx0*Ny0*Nphi1))**0.5d0
end if
if (myid1 == 1) then
print *,"The L2 Error:",L2(1)
end if
end subroutine calculate_L2_Error
subroutine Euler_Forward
use com
CFL = 0.01
t = 0
call calculate_umax
if (myid1 == 1) then
print *,t,umax
end if
do while (t < tend)
call calculate_dt
if (t + dt > tend) then
dt = tend - t
t = tend
t = t + dt
end if
tRK = t
call Lh
uh = uh + dt*du
call calculate_umax
if (myid1 == 1) then
print *,t,umax
end if
end do
end subroutine Euler_Forward
subroutine RK3
use com
CFL = 0.1
t = 0
do while (t < tend)
call calculate_dt
tRK = t
if (t + dt > tend) then
dt = tend - t
t = tend
t = t + dt
end if
! Stage I
call Lh
uh00 = uh
uI = uh + dt*du
uh = uI
! Stage II
tRK = tRK + dt
call Lh
uII = (3d0/4d0)*uh00 + (1d0/4d0)*uh + (1d0/4d0)*dt*du
uh = uII
! Stage III
tRK = tRK - 0.5*dt
call Lh
uh = (1d0/3d0)*uh00 + (2d0/3d0)*uh + (2d0/3d0)*dt*du
call calculate_umax
if (myid1 == 1) then
print *,t,umax
end if
end do
end subroutine RK3
subroutine RK4
use com
CFL = 0.1
t = 0
call calculate_umax
if (myid1 == 1) then
open(unit = 12,file = 'Latest_result.txt')
print *,t,umax
write(12,*) t,umax
end if
do while (t < tend)
call calculate_dt
tRK = t
if (t + dt > tend) then
dt = tend - t
t = tend
t = t + dt
end if
uI = uh
uII = uh
! Stage I
do i = 1,5
call Lh
uI = uh + (dt/6d0)*du
tRK = tRK + (dt/6d0)
uh = uI
end do
uII = 0.04d0*uII + 0.36d0*uI
uI = 15*uII - 5*uI
uh = uI
tRK = tRK - 0.5*dt
! Stage II
do i = 6,9
call Lh
uI = uh + (dt/6d0)*du
tRK = tRK + dt/6d0
uh = uI
end do
call Lh
uh = uII + 0.6d0*uI + (dt/10d0)*du
call calculate_umax
if (myid1 == 1) then
print *,t,umax
write(12,*) t,umax
end if
end do
end subroutine RK4
subroutine calculate_umax
use com
umax = 0
umax1 = 0
do i = 1,Nx
do j = 1,Ny
do k = 0,Nphi
if (abs(uh(i,j,k,1,1)) > umax) then
umax = abs(uh(i,j,k,1,1))
end if
end do
end do
end do
do the_id = 2,N_process
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_SEND(umax,1,MPI_REAL8,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == 1) then
call MPI_RECV(umax1,1,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
if (umax1 > umax) then
umax = umax1
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine calculate_umax
subroutine calculate_dt
use com
alphax = 1d0
alphay = 1d0
dt = CFL/(alphax/hx**2 + alphay/hy**2)
end subroutine calculate_dt
subroutine set_bc
use com
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny_process
do i = 1,Nx_process
the_id = i + Nx_process*(j - 1)
! The Uh
! The Right condition
if (i == Nx_process) then
if (bcR == 1) then ! periodic
the_idx = 1
the_idy = j
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(1,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(Nx1,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
the_idx = i + 1
the_idy = j
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(1,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(Nx1,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
! The Left condition
if (i == 1) then
if (bcL == 1) then
the_idx = Nx_process
the_idy = j
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(Nx,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
the_idx = i - 1
the_idy = j
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(Nx,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0,0:Ny1,k,d,n),Ny + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
! The Up condition
if (j == Ny_process) then
if (bcU == 1) then
the_idx = i
the_idy = 1
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(0:Nx1,1,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0:Nx1,Ny1,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
the_idx = i
the_idy = j + 1
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(0:Nx1,1,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0:Nx1,Ny1,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
! The Down condition
if (j == 1) then
if (bcD == 1) then
the_idx = i
the_idy = Ny_process
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(0:Nx1,Ny,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0:Nx1,0,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
the_idx = i
the_idy = j - 1
the_id2 = the_idx + Nx_process*(the_idy - 1)
if (myid1 == the_id2) then
call MPI_SEND(uh(0:Nx1,Ny,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id - 1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (myid1 == the_id) then
call MPI_RECV(uh(0:Nx1,0,k,d,n),Nx + 2,MPI_REAL8,the_id2 - 1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine set_bc
subroutine Lh
use com
real(8) Fx(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq), Fy(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq), Fz(NumGLP,NumGLP,0:Nphi,NumEq)
real(8) rhoij,uij,vij,wij,Eij,B1ij,B2ij,B3ij,pij,Sij,Tij,Kij,rB1ij,rB2ij,rB3ij
real(8),allocatable :: UR(:,:,:,:,:),UL(:,:,:,:,:),UU(:,:,:,:,:),UD(:,:,:,:,:)
real(8),allocatable :: pR(:,:,:,:,:),pL(:,:,:,:,:),qU(:,:,:,:,:),qD(:,:,:,:,:)
real(8),allocatable :: FR(:,:,:,:,:),FL(:,:,:,:,:),FU(:,:,:,:,:),FD(:,:,:,:,:)
real(8),allocatable :: Fxhat(:,:,:,:,:), Fyhat(:,:,:,:,:)
real(8),allocatable :: uhxhat(:,:,:,:,:),uhyhat(:,:,:,:,:),phxhat(:,:,:,:,:),qhyhat(:,:,:,:,:)
real(8),allocatable :: ph(:,:,:,:,:),qh(:,:,:,:,:),uhpre(:,:,:,:,:)
call set_bc
UR = 0
UL = 0
UU = 0
UD = 0
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 0,Nx
UR(i,j,k,:,n) = UR(i,j,k,:,n) + uh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiGR(:,d)
UL(i + 1,j,k,:,n) = UL(i + 1,j,k,:,n) + uh(i + 1,j,k,d,n)*phiGL(:,d)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 0,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
UU(i,j,k,:,n) = UU(i,j,k,:,n) + uh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiGU(:,d)
UD(i,j + 1,k,:,n) = UD(i,j + 1,k,:,n) + uh(i,j + 1,k,d,n)*phiGD(:,d)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! LDG scheme for ph and qh
! where ph approx uh_x, and qh approx uh_y
ph = 0
qh = 0
! calculate the Volume integral
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
uGint3D = 0
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
uGint3D(:,:,k,n) = uGint3D(:,:,k,n) + uh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiG(:,:,d)
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do k = 0,Nphi
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
if (d > 1) then
ph(i,j,k,d,n) = ph(i,j,k,d,n) - 0.25d0*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*uGint3D(i1,j1,k,n)*phixG(i1,j1,d)
qh(i,j,k,d,n) = qh(i,j,k,d,n) - 0.25d0*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*uGint3D(i1,j1,k,n)*phiyG(i1,j1,d)
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate the flux
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 0,Nx
UR1 = UL(i + 1,j,k,j1,:)
UL1 = UR(i,j,k,j1,:)
uhxhat(i,j,k,j1,:) = 0.5*(UR1 + UL1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 0,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
UR1 = UD(i,j + 1,k,i1,:)
UL1 = UU(i,j,k,i1,:)
uhyhat(i,j,k,i1,:) = 0.5*(UR1 + UL1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate the Surface integral
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
ph(i,j,k,d,n) = ph(i,j,k,d,n) + (0.5d0/hx)*weight(j1)*(uhxhat(i,j,k,j1,n)*phiGR(j1,d) - uhxhat(i - 1,j,k,j1,n)*phiGL(j1,d))
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
qh(i,j,k,d,n) = qh(i,j,k,d,n) + (0.5d0/hy)*weight(i1)*(uhyhat(i,j,k,i1,n)*phiGU(i1,d) - uhyhat(i,j - 1,k,i1,n)*phiGD(i1,d))
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do d = 1,dimPk1
ph(:,:,:,d,:) = ph(:,:,:,d,:)/mm(d)
qh(:,:,:,d,:) = qh(:,:,:,d,:)/mm(d)
end do
uhpre = uh
uh = ph
call set_bc
ph = uh
uh = qh
call set_bc
qh = uh
uh = uhpre
! DG scheme for uh
du = 0
! calculate the Volume integral
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
uGint3D = 0
pGint3D = 0
qGint3D = 0
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
uGint3D(:,:,k,n) = uGint3D(:,:,k,n) + uh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiG(:,:,d)
pGint3D(:,:,k,n) = pGint3D(:,:,k,n) + ph(i,j,k,d,n)*phiG(:,:,d)
qGint3D(:,:,k,n) = qGint3D(:,:,k,n) + qh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiG(:,:,d)
end do
end do
end do
do k = 0,Nphi
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
Fx(i1,j1,k,1) = uGint3D(i1,j1,k,1)
Fy(i1,j1,k,1) = uGint3D(i1,j1,k,1)
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do k = 0,Nphi
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
if (d > 1) then
du(i,j,k,d,n) = du(i,j,k,d,n) + 0.25d0*weight(i1)*weight(j1)*((Fx(i1,j1,k,n) - pGint3D(i1,j1,k,n))*phixG(i1,j1,d) + (Fy(i1,j1,k,n) - qGint3D(i1,j1,k,n))*phiyG(i1,j1,d))
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate the Numerical flux
pR = 0
pL = 0
qU = 0
qD = 0
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 0,Nx
pR(i,j,k,:,n) = pR(i,j,k,:,n) + ph(i,j,k,d,n)*phiGR(:,d)
pL(i + 1,j,k,:,n) = pL(i + 1,j,k,:,n) + ph(i + 1,j,k,d,n)*phiGL(:,d)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 0,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
qU(i,j,k,:,n) = qU(i,j,k,:,n) + qh(i,j,k,d,n)*phiGU(:,d)
qD(i,j + 1,k,:,n) = qD(i,j + 1,k,:,n) + qh(i,j + 1,k,d,n)*phiGD(:,d)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! The x-flux
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 0,Nx
FR(i,j,k,j1,1) = uR(i,j,k,j1,1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx1
FL(i,j,k,j1,1) = uL(i,j,k,j1,1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
! The y-Flux
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 0,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
FU(i,j,k,i1,1) = UU(i,j,k,i1,1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny1
do i = 1,Nx
FD(i,j,k,i1,1) = UD(i,j,k,i1,1)
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate Fx hat
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 0,Nx
SR = 1
SL = -1
FR1 = FL(i + 1,j,k,j1,:)
FL1 = FR(i,j,k,j1,:)
UR1 = UL(i + 1,j,k,j1,:)
UL1 = UR(i,j,k,j1,:)
if (flux_type == 1) then
call LF_Flux
end if
Fxhat(i,j,k,j1,:) = Fhat1
phxhat(i,j,k,j1,:) = 0.5*(pR(i,j,k,j1,:) + pL(i + 1,j,k,j1,:))
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate Fy hat
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 0,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
SR = 1
SL = -1
FR1 = FD(i,j + 1,k,i1,:)
FL1 = FU(i,j,k,i1,:)
UR1 = UD(i,j + 1,k,i1,:)
UL1 = UU(i,j,k,i1,:)
if (flux_type == 1) then
call LF_Flux
end if
Fyhat(i,j,k,i1,:) = Fhat1
qhyhat(i,j,k,i1,:) = 0.5*(qU(i,j,k,i1,:) + qD(i,j + 1,k,i1,:))
end do
end do
end do
end do
! calculate the Surface integral
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do j1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
du(i,j,k,d,n) = du(i,j,k,d,n) - (0.5d0/hx)*weight(j1)*((Fxhat(i,j,k,j1,n) - phxhat(i,j,k,j1,n))*phiGR(j1,d) - (Fxhat(i - 1,j,k,j1,n) - phxhat(i - 1,j,k,j1,n))*phiGL(j1,d))
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do n = 1,NumEq
do d = 1,dimPk1
do i1 = 1,NumGLP
do k = 0,Nphi
do j = 1,Ny
do i = 1,Nx
du(i,j,k,d,n) = du(i,j,k,d,n) - (0.5d0/hy)*weight(i1)*((Fyhat(i,j,k,i1,n) - qhyhat(i,j,k,i1,n))*phiGU(i1,d) - (Fyhat(i,j - 1,k,i1,n) - qhyhat(i,j - 1,k,i1,n))*phiGD(i1,d))
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do d = 1,dimPk1
du(:,:,:,d,:) = du(:,:,:,d,:)/mm(d)
end do
end subroutine Lh
subroutine LF_Flux
use com
Fhat1 = 0.5d0*(FR1 + FL1 - max(abs(SR),abs(SL))*(UR1 - UL1))
end subroutine LF_Flux