console 命令行工具 X clear

var $ = go.GraphObject.make; // 构造方法
var colors = {
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    'lightgreen': '#b9e986',
    'pink': '#faadc1',
    'purple': '#d689ff',
    'orange': '#fdb400',
var onSelectionChanged = (e) => {
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	var description = document.getElementById('Description');
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	description.textContent = data.description;
const infoString = (obj) => {
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    if (part instanceof go.Link) {
        msg = "";
    } else if (part instanceof go.Node) {
        msg = + ":\n\n" +;
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const geoFunc = (geoname) => {
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var opacity = 1;
var down = true;
const loop = () => {
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			if (down) opacity = opacity - 0.01;
			else opacity = opacity + 0.003;
			if (opacity <= 0) { down = !down; opacity = 0; }
			if (opacity > 1) { down = !down; opacity = 1; }
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const spotConverter = (dir) => {
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    if (dir === "bottom") return go.Spot.BottomSide;
    if (dir === "rightsingle") return go.Spot.Right;
var myDiagram = 
	$(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv5", // 图形
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		"ChangedSelection": onSelectionChanged, // 查看其他信息
        // model: $(go.GraphLinksModel, {
        //     nodeDataArray: [
        //         {
        //         key: 1, pos: 1800 -57, "icon":"natgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 60, "portHeight": 20,
        //         "text":"Gas\nCompanies",
        //         "description": "Provides natural gas liquids (NGLs).",
        //         "caption":"Gas Drilling Well",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:2, pos: "180 200", "icon":"oil", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 60, "portHeight": 20,
        //         "text":"Oil\nCompanies",
        //         "description": "Provides associated petroleum gas (APG). This type of gas used to be released as waste from oil drilling, but is now commonly captured for processing.",
        //         "caption":"Offshore oil well",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:3, pos:"-80 100", "icon":"gasprocessing", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,
        //         "text":"Gas Processing",
        //         "description":"APG processing turns associated petrolium gas into natural gas liquids (NGLs) and stable natural gas (SGN).",
        //         "caption":"Natural gas plant",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:4, pos:"30 -50", "icon":"fractionation", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 60,
        //         "text":"Gas Fractionation",
        //         "description": "Natural gas liquids are separated into individual hydrocarbons like propane and butanes, hydrocarbon mixtures (naphtha) and liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs).",
        //         "caption":"Gas Plant",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:5, "pos":"130 -50", "icon":"pyrolysis", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "color":"orange",
        //         "text":"Pyrolysis (Cracking)",
        //         "description": "Liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) are transformed into Ethylene, propylene, benzene, and other by-products.",
        //         "caption":"Pyrolysis plant",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:6, "pos":"330 -140", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "portHeight": 12, "color":"red",
        //         "text":"Basic Polymers",
        //         "description": "Ethylene and propylene (monomers) are processed into end products using various methods (polymerization).",
        //         "caption":"Plastics engineering-Polymer products",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:7, "pos":"330 -55", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "portHeight": 12, "color":"green",
        //         "text":"Plastics",
        //         "description": "Polymerization produces PET, glycols, alcohols, expandable polystyrene, acrylates, BOPP-films and geosynthetics.",
        //         "caption":"Lego Color Bricks",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         key:8, "pos":"330 40", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40, "portHeight": 12, "color":"lightgreen",
        //         "text":"Synthetic Rubbers",
        //         "description": "Polymerization produces commodity and specialty rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers.",
        //         "caption":"Sheet of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill at the plant of Goodrich",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         "key":9, "pos":"330 115", "color":"orange", "portHeight": 22,
        //         "text":"Intermediates",
        //         "description": "Produced Ethylene, Propylene, Butenes, Benzene, and other by-products.",
        //         "caption":"Propylene Containers",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         "key":10, "pos":"330 205", "icon":"finishedgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 30, "portHeight": 15,
        //         "text":"LPG, Naphtha,\nMTBE",
        //         "description": "Propane, butane, and other general purpose fuels and byproducts.",
        //         "caption":"Liquid Petroleum Gas Truck",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         },
        //         {
        //         "key":11, "pos":"330 280", "icon":"finishedgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 30, "portHeight": 15,
        //         "text":"Natural Gas, NGLs",
        //         "description": "Used for heating, cooking, and electricity generation",
        //         "caption":"Natural Gas Flame",
        //         "imgsrc":""
        //         }
        //     ],
        //     linkDataArray:  [
        //         {from:1, to:4 },
        //         {from:2, to:3, label: "APG" },
        //         {from:3, to:4 },
        //         {from:3, to:5, toSpot:"bottom" },
        //         {from:4, to:5 },
        //         {"from":4, "to":5 },
        //         {"from":3, "to":11, "fromSpot":"bottom" },
        //         {"from":4, "to":10, "fromSpot":"bottom" },
        //         {"from":5, "to":6, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
        //         {"from":5, "to":7, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
        //         {"from":5, "to":8, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
        //         {"from":5, "to":9, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" }
        //     ]
        // }),
        $(go.Node, "Spot",
                locationObjectName: 'main',
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                toolTip: $("ToolTip",
                    $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4, width: 140 },new go.Binding("text", "", infoString).ofObject())
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                        name: 'main',
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                    isPanelMain: true, stroke: colors.lightblue, strokeWidth: 10 
                new go.Binding("stroke", "color", function(c) { return colors[c]; })
                    isPanelMain: true, 
                    stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 3, name: "PIPE", strokeDashArray: [20, 40] 
const model = {"class": "go.GraphLinksModel",
		"nodeDataArray": [
		"key":1, "pos":"-180 -57", "icon":"natgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 60, "portHeight": 20,
		"description": "Provides natural gas liquids (NGLs).",
		"caption":"Gas Drilling Well",
		"key":2, "pos":"-180 100", "icon":"oil", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 60, "portHeight": 20,
		"description": "Provides associated petroleum gas (APG). This type of gas used to be released as waste from oil drilling, but is now commonly captured for processing.",
		"caption":"Offshore oil well",
		"key":3, "pos":"-80 100", "icon":"gasprocessing", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,
		"text":"Gas Processing",
		"description":"APG processing turns associated petrolium gas into natural gas liquids (NGLs) and stable natural gas (SGN).",
		"caption":"Natural gas plant",
		"key":4, "pos":"30 -50", "icon":"fractionation", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 60,
		"text":"Gas Fractionation",
		"description": "Natural gas liquids are separated into individual hydrocarbons like propane and butanes, hydrocarbon mixtures (naphtha) and liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs).",
		"caption":"Gas Plant",
		"key":5, "pos":"130 -50", "icon":"pyrolysis", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "color":"orange",
		"text":"Pyrolysis (Cracking)",
		"description": "Liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) are transformed into Ethylene, propylene, benzene, and other by-products.",
		"caption":"Pyrolysis plant",
		"key":6, "pos":"330 -140", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "portHeight": 12, "color":"red",
		"text":"Basic Polymers",
		"description": "Ethylene and propylene (monomers) are processed into end products using various methods (polymerization).",
		"caption":"Plastics engineering-Polymer products",
		"key":7, "pos":"330 -55", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40,  "portHeight": 12, "color":"green",
		"description": "Polymerization produces PET, glycols, alcohols, expandable polystyrene, acrylates, BOPP-films and geosynthetics.",
		"caption":"Lego Color Bricks",
		"key":8, "pos":"330 40", "icon":"polymerization", "iconWidth": 40, "iconHeight": 40, "portHeight": 12, "color":"lightgreen",
		"text":"Synthetic Rubbers",
		"description": "Polymerization produces commodity and specialty rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers.",
		"caption":"Sheet of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill at the plant of Goodrich",
		"key":9, "pos":"330 115", "color":"orange", "portHeight": 22,
		"description": "Produced Ethylene, Propylene, Butenes, Benzene, and other by-products.",
		"caption":"Propylene Containers",
		"key":10, "pos":"330 205", "icon":"finishedgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 30, "portHeight": 15,
		"text":"LPG, Naphtha,\nMTBE",
		"description": "Propane, butane, and other general purpose fuels and byproducts.",
		"caption":"Liquid Petroleum Gas Truck",
		"key":11, "pos":"330 280", "icon":"finishedgas", "iconWidth": 30, "iconHeight": 30, "portHeight": 15,
		"text":"Natural Gas, NGLs",
		"description": "Used for heating, cooking, and electricity generation",
		"caption":"Natural Gas Flame",
		"linkDataArray": [
		{"from":1, "to":4 },
		{"from":2, "to":3, "label": "APG" },
		{"from":3, "to":4 },
		{"from":3, "to":5, "toSpot":"bottom" },
		{"from":4, "to":5 },
		{"from":4, "to":5 },
		{"from":3, "to":11, "fromSpot":"bottom" },
		{"from":4, "to":10, "fromSpot":"bottom" },
		{"from":5, "to":6, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
		{"from":5, "to":7, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
		{"from":5, "to":8, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" },
		{"from":5, "to":9, "fromSpot":"rightsingle", "color":"orange" }
myDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(model);

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#myDiagramDiv5 {
	background-color: #F8F8F8;
	border: 1px solid #aaa;
